Association of Certified Public Translators

Sworn Translators - Member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT)



It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we announce the passing away of our dear colleague Mr. George Youssef El-Khoury, Syndicate Board Member, on the 28th of January 2021.

The news of the death of our dear colleague and friend, Mr. George El-Khoury fills our hearts with sadness. Our souls, as colleagues, family and friends, are hardened of pain on hearing of his premature disappearance.

His generosity and loyalty to the profession and the Syndicate, a member of which since 2000, and the integrity of his character made him very dear to us all.

Mr. George El-Khoury will be deeply missed. We extend our sincere condolences and deepest sympathies to his family. May God give us all the comfort and peace that we seek and may the soul of our loved friend rest in peace.

The President and members of the Syndicate of

Sworn Translators Board in Lebanon

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