Association of Certified Public Translators

Sworn Translators - Member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT)

Annoucements and Circulars

Training Sessions 2025

For more information kindly check Training Sessions section below

The General Assembly and by-elections

On Saturday, February 10, 2024, the Association of Certified Public Translators held an ordinary general assembly and by-elections to elect five members of the Syndicate Board whose terms had expired.For more information, please click on the Association – Current Board Members

A convocation to an ordinary general assembly and by-elections

Convocation of General Assembly and By-elections

Convocation of General Assembly and By-elections (4:30 p.m.). The annual dinner at 7:30 p.m. on December 15, 2017 – Movenpick Hotel – Beirut. 


Announcement:  Submission of applications to renew the affiliation with the list of sworn experts before the courts for those who have been members for 5 years or more.

Training Session

The Association of Certified Public Translators is conducting a training session for the new colleagues on November 30, 2018.For information and registration: 71/399113

Annual Diary

The annual diary is now available at the Association of Certified Public Translators Headquarter.


Announcement: Submission of applications to renew the affiliation with the list of sworn experts before the courts for those who have been members for 5 years or more until 28/2/2019. 


Reminder: The Ministry of Finance Form M18 must be submitted before 31/10/2019.

Convocation of a General Assembly

A convocation of a general assembly and By-elections on Friday, December 6, 2019, at 4 p.m. at SmallVille Hotel.

Convocation of a Consultative Meeting

A convocation of a consultative meeting on end-of-service compensation, on May 21, 2021, at the Association of Certified Public Translators Headquarter.

Convocation of By-elections

A convocation of By-elections on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, at 4 p.m. at the Association of Certified Public Translators Headquarter.

Convocation of a General Assembly

A convocation of a general assembly on Saturday, March 26 at 11 p.m at the Association of Certified Public Translators Headquarter.

General Assembly and Complementary Elections

Training session

Training session on the Legal Translation

Minutes of the meeting held on January 8, 2018

Issuance of the Financial Statement for the years 2015 and 2016.

Invitation to the general assembly, complementary elections and annual dinner

The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik USEK has obtained the European Institutional Accreditation from Evalag

Report of the meeting of the complementary elections

The complementary elections of the Association of Certified Public Translators have taken place on December 18, 2015 at Smallville Hotel and the following sworn translators have won by acclamation: Ghassan HAJJ ALI, Ali DAHER, Aline SAWAYA, Nathalie BEKAI and Elie NAYEL.

Distribution of positions of the Executive Body

Distribution of positions of the Executive Body as follows:

WalidRachid MOUSSALLEM : President

Samar HAMADE : Vice-president

Maroun MONSEF : Secretary

Hadi GEDEON : Treasurer

Ghassan HAJJ ALI : Delegate of the Syndical Contribution

Houssam RIHAN : Accountant

Ali DAHER  : Responsible of the end of service compensation

Aline SAWAYA : Media Consultant

Elie NAYEL : Public Relations Consultant

Nathalie BEKAI : Social Affairs Consultant